Page name: Members of the Church of Dave [Logged in view] [RSS]
2021-03-28 00:05:11
Owner: Just Simon
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2007-03-03 [Just Simon]: Yes.
Did you not want a cool title?
Cool titles are cool.

2007-03-03 [queen mini egg]: lol well thats why they are called cool titles, but i don't believe i have earned a cool title as yet, and until i ahve earned one i do not want i am going to do the washing up
back sooneh xx

2007-03-03 [Just Simon]: Cool cool.
Hopefully cool titles will be earned eventually.

2007-03-03 [Just Simon]: Should I have whores...?
That'd be cool...

2007-03-03 [queen mini egg]: haha i'll be your whore...well i wuld if i wasn't already sure he wouldn't mind sharing tho =P

and do you have any idea how gross soggy, plug hole barley is..i mean EWWWWWWWWWW

2007-03-05 [Dinaer]: no, no whores =)
that's like the total opposite of free'd be paying people for it. not free. no no. *shakes head*

i wonder, how exactly can cool titles be earned?O.o

2007-03-05 [Just Simon]: That's a very good point...
I can't believe I didn't think of that.
Ah well.
This is why you get other peoples opinions.

I have no idea how you earn a title.
If you want one, just ask.
Then we'll see.

2007-03-05 [queen mini egg]: haha can i be a whore? i'll be a free whore xD
i don't mind whoring myself for free, if it'll get people to join our church i'll whore myself xD
i already have underwear pics xD...but there is a very good reason for that...i...erm...was forced to do it at gun point *nods*
yes that's what happened, it's my story and i am sticking to it

2007-03-05 [~username~]: No idea, coolness just happens to me, so I don't know how to earn it.
Tune in later for the most awesome cover of an awesome cover of a sucky song ever!!!! *waits* Okay, now that it's later, It's Bowling for Soup covering Fergie's London Bridge!!!
*guitar riff*
All my girls get down on the floor (Oh, snap)
Back to back drop it down real low (Oh, snap)
I'm such a lady but I'm dancing like a ho (Oh, snap)
'cause you know what......... here we go! (Oh snap)

Here's the link because it's more awesome in person....

2007-03-05 [queen mini egg]: lol riiiiiiiiiiight

2007-03-05 [queen mini egg]: *dies of laughter*
omg thats soooooooooooooo damn funny!!

2007-03-05 [~username~]: My job here is accomplished. *dusts off hands*
*screams* OH SNAP!!!

2007-03-05 [~username~]: Oh, and I think we might need a medic in the church now, what with members of the congregation dieing and stuff, it's just not good for our image.

2007-03-05 [queen mini egg]: hahahahaha
i'm never gonna be able to say OH SNAP ever again without bursting in to mad fits of laughter!!
i hope you're pleased with yourself!!!
ebil entity of snapness!!!

2007-03-05 [Just Simon]: I think Bob has medics...
I'll go ask...

2007-03-05 [queen mini egg]: hahaha MEDIC!!!
thats a brilliant word
don't you just love shouting MEDIC!?!?!
coffee makes me hyper
i am also the pudding queen xD

2007-03-05 [~username~]: I'm the Queen of nothingness! PHEER MY DOMIAN!!!

2007-03-05 [queen mini egg]: aaaaaaah no not nothingness, my life is made up completely of that xD
wait does that mean you rule my life...well that's a VERY scary thought
*runs away in tears* where's spongebob when you need him >.<

2007-03-05 [~username~]: Yes, I rule your life.... with a plastic ruler!!!!!

2007-03-05 [Just Simon]: Bob does not have medics.
Which is distinctly unhelpful.

anywhooo i have to be leaving now
catch ya laters

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